One of my goals for the New Year is to be better about academic blogging in 2018. I should have plenty to blog about, as I get into my orals reading and continue carrying research for the dissertation.

Here is a list of some of the most interesting books I read in 2017, not in any particular order. Wild readings to say the least.

  1. William E. Wallace – Michelangelo at San Lorenzo: The Genius as Entrepreneur
  2.  Anthony Blunt – Borromini 
  3. Karsten Harries – The Bavarian Rococo Church
  4. Jürgen Habermas – Theory of Communicative Action, Vol. I
  5. Manfredo Tafuri – Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development
  6. Angel Rama – La Ciudad Letrada
  7. Franco Moretti – The Bourgeois: Between History and Literature
  8. Keller Easterling – Organization Space
  9. Niklas Luhmann – Theory of Society, vol. I
  10. Manfredo Tafuri – Interpreting the Renaissance